Friday, December 30, 2005


I just came across this photo. I totally remember that shirt. A group in Victoria was sending a truckload of gear to El Salvadore to help out a few years ago, and Derek was there. Like he would be.
(Wherever he was going, he would invite us to come along; stop what we were in the midst of and just come, help, be.) I imagine the truck all packed, ready to go and him jokingly being invited along to deliver the goods. If so he might have said unblinkingly, "okay, if there's room for Heather, too" And by the time they hit the Panama border he'd have a few grant applications typed and emailed off.. And he'd have caught the driver up on the goodness of God pouring His grace into the lives of various loved ones of recent days. He always told us what God was doing in his life and the lives of his friends.
I'm fluctuating between waves of such sadness for him going before Heather and their little one, and the abundance of memories; joy for having simply known him.
He was like a vigilante of goodness, expecting several miracles all at the same time.
He believed and he worked hard to accomplish good.. He was an active believer.


kimberley francis said...

yep, Tamara, some big tevas to fill...

it's easy to amplify during times like this, memories become more grand...but with Derek, he is such an enormous personality already. i don't have the capacity it seems to take this one in. i feel his presence more these past few days; his joy for all who sorrow, so ready to sorrow with all, and lend us some of his spare joy.

i'm thinking about flying out for the memorial on jan 12th. i have so much emotion that i need to share and cope with, and be in the midst of some matthew and tim humor, i think. we'll see.

times like this remind me that it's so important to huddle up and physically be a part of each others lives; we all need the support of one another. derek and heather are such examples of this, hey? they fly across the world with no money, because it just needs to be.

Anonymous said...

I'm falling deeper and deeper into sadness with this one... It's starting to compute now...

I love that photo. Do you have any more photos Kim? Send me some if you do, ok?

I don't have your email address, so I'll ask here. I'm helping with the memorial and collecting short quotes from people about how Derek influenced their lives. A sentence or two. Would love a quote from you.

Send any quotes and photos to timgorman at

Happy Holidays Kim

Anonymous said...

I met Heather at your Mom's but Derek was sick. This saddens me deeply.
I love the picture.
Cherish the memories.


Matthew Francis said...

Thanks so much for posting this Kim. I remember that shirt too... (funny how clothes have been a part of my grieving and remembering Derek since the winter coat I often wear is the one he gave me!).

That would be great, Tam, to get together sometime around the memorial, just to be together.

And, yeah, Tim, the sadness is there for me too these days. Good to talk with you the other morning.

"To love is to remember."

Krista said...

Hey Kim,

A great post....I met Derek at our wedding and it is so great to hear everone's memories, because it is evident that the personhood of Derek truly is living on. I feel like I've been meeting him these days. I especially like how you describe Derek as an Active believer, what an example...what faith....what Love, what joy! Thank you for the picture...Matthew and I don't have too many. I hope that I too can come to Calgary on the 12th (or whenever it ends up). I wish to just BE with everyone. I may not have too much to contribute in memories (wish I did) but it will be great just to hang out and be. That's really the way I've been around home...To just BE with Matthew in this deep sorrow that everyone who knew Derek is feeling.

Big Hugs and Big kisses

kimberley francis said...

krista, it would be great if you are able to be with us. i hope some nice chances will over the years for you to get to know heather. you have many similar qualities.

tam, tim: it was nice to be with jay and milissa the other night. we are hoping to come together. look forward to being with you.

i stopped to see kris yesterday, on the way back to the city. it's always good to have a little time with her.

tim, i will send some pictures to you. some from jay. some from me.

love to all,