Thursday, October 27, 2005

whew! alright so lets go somewhere already. shall we?

Lets start here, by request.
What's a blog without a bad haircut? (or four)

I think I actually remember this one being taken. Matthew probably does too, his Hypothalamus or Hippocampus enables him to remember everything EVER.

My mom was big into taking photos. Usually at the local department store, we'd book in atleast once a month. She liked the early timeslot, so in many our eyes are barely open from sleeping. But this one was on the way to church. It was a nice day, so we walked. I'm certain that I didn't choose my ensemble. My mom would generally lay out the wardrobe for the photoshoots.

We all really protested. And still do. But it's fun to haul out the big albums and remember.



Matthew Francis said...


Hmmm... circa November 1979 or so? Yep, I remember that day well!

Krista said...

Great picture!
I was overjoyed to see it :) You all look so cute. Thanks for sharing, kim....and what a great way to get your blog, shall we :) Looking forward to more from you!

Gabe said...

thanks for the note kim. the pic looks great. haha.

kimberley francis said...

hey tam, yeah Pam and Jeff.

Pam lives in Halifax with her husband and sons, Brody and Todd.

And Jeff (and fiancee Catherine)live in Chilliwack with their kids, not far from my mom and dad.


nothing like it.

krista, if we could have known you back then, i'm sure my mom would have had a nice orange and brown plaid pantsuit for you. you'd have fit in nicely. though you'd have definately stood out with all those remarkable poses of yours.

Sheri Eyre said...

hello miss kimberly
I love the photo classic Francis -
Particularly the identical bowlcut hairdos