we had a big forest in our back yard.
we would build snowcave forts
around halloween
that would last until spring
there were other creatures back there
skunks, racoons and rabbits
i thought an ocelot would be nice
for us to have
my brother jeff would give us
snowmobile rides after school
he'd sometimes talk us little kids into
ideas including towropes and skis
as if we were on water
we were like his little eval kaneevals
we'd almost always agree
i remember one time
him telling me, during a winter stunt session
(i was about five)
"whatever you do, don't let go!"
so I didn't
no matter what
i fell down
pretty much right away
but bravely hung on tight
after a goodly amount of
pine cones
and snow
passed under
and (what felt like) through me
he throttled down and came to a stop
i looked at him with wide eyes
hoping to meet with his approval
for "not letting go"
he looked at me compassionately
but couldn't help but laugh
(i probably had branches in my hair by that point)
we coiled up the tow rope
and he said, lets go in for supper
it was maybe a friday
because i seem to remember
welches grape juice in wine glasses
and yorkshire pudding
with onion
sprinkled on half