Saturday, January 26, 2008

a green tea rug--update

here's where i'm at with the rug. it's a much less vibrant green--more the colour of an aloe vera plant. it's coming along.... i'd like to go bigger. the first is 18" x 24" or so.

New project: green tea rug.

My friends Colleen and Sven, sent me this image a year ago. I was so inspired by it then and was pretty sure it would lend itself to a project idea one day. I love the lushness. Am off to scout for velvet or velour, or maybe even a cordoroy, to dye this amazing green hue. Then will somehow work it into a rug format. I see uneven rhythms and gradual depth of shade. Not sure about dimension, but I do know it is sure to feel amazing on barefeet! Stay tuned.


Colleen said...

Ooh Kimberly, I'm so excited that you're going ahead with this idea. Can't wait to see the finished product! And the bathing suit by the way looks like "a million dollars" (pun intended)! I'm glad you're having fun with the projects and following your whims. They are worth following!

Colleen said...

Love the progress so far! My toes are itching to feel it! :)

tech-chick said...

looks like matcha!

Anonymous said...

The picture looks like Malawi tea fields. I was living there this last year and painted them profusely.